A community of practice for people working in development
Arguably, the nature of their relationship with the state is the key factor affecting development for indigenous people. In Australia, the often-repeated conclusion that governments have overseen thirty years of policy failure in indigenous affairs tends to overlook a more complex and uneven picture. It downplays initiatives that deserve wider recognition, for example in homeland development and education.

  While land tenure continues to be the dominant consideration for many Indigenous people and organisations in Latin America and Australia, there are many other determinants of health, education and quality of life. These include access to services, housing and governance, all featured as themes for IDEAL. We are particularly interested in hearing and featuring indigenous perspectives on these subjects.

Download 'Model of Practice for Mediation with Aboriginal Families in Central Australia' here.

Download ‘Anangu serving Anangu - Plenty Ninti!’ The PY Ku Network on the APY Lands published by Ninti One Limited in 2011.



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A future where children are not involved in the Colombian armed conflict
Healthy communities by design.